Thursday, August 12, 2010

I'm don't pretend to understand any of this

I've told a lot of people how weird my dreams are, but I don't know if anyone believes me. So, here are the three dreams I had last night, not the weirdest dreams I've had, but pretty strange. The last one is probably the strangest of the three :)

Number 1: I'm in the auditorium of SHS. Me and my friends Jimmy, Ryan, and Lauren are onstage practicing a tap dance/bow staff dance routine for the summer variety show (which does not exist). I'm having trouble learning the routine. Mr. McGlynn, choir teacher, yells at us to get off stage and let some other people practice. Jimmy begs him for one last practice runand so we do it then go backstage. I see a poster for musical auditions then start talking to this random girl about how nervous I am. I say to the girl, "You know, I thought this was a dream, but it can't be a dream because there's a sign for musical auditions." We walk out of backstage and around to where the stairs go up to the auditorium. There's a quartet playing music, and I tell the random girl, "You know, this must be a dream because if I was in a real variety show I would be in the quartet and not in a tap dancing group. I play violin, I don't tap dance." Suddenly, a cello appears in my hand and I start playing scales. The cello player of the quartet gives me a really mean look. A hall monitor comes up to me speaking gibberish. I tell her to go to the gym. Another hall monitor comes up to me. She looks like my great aunt Florence from Canada . She tells me "Don't put your teeth together when you tap dance because then all your gold fillings will fall out." I say "You remind me of my great-aunt Florence." She says "Oh that's nice dear, but I can't be your aunt because I'm Canadian." I yell "I'm a Canadian citizen!" and a crowd gathers around me and starts applauding. The hall monitor who looks like my aunt suddenly opens her mouth wider than humanly possible, and roars/laughs. I see that all of her teeth have gold fillings. End of dream 1.

Dream 2: I’m a friend of this couple who have been trying to have kids for a long time. The wife is really depressed all the time because she doesn’t have children. Finally, they have twins. I’m invited over to their house to see the babies. When I get there, I discover that one of the twins died, but the husband didn’t tell his wife because he didn’t want her to be depressed again. Instead, he made a robot child to replace the baby. As the years pass, the human child grows up healthy and strong but the robot is weak and can’t do the things his “brother” can. The mother doesn’t notice somehow, even though they don’t look like twins at all. I go yell at the husband to tell his wife the truth because she can’t love a robot for the rest of her life. End of dream 2.

Dream 3: I’m watching TV in a living room that’s not my living room. An infomercial comes on, advertising an old kid's TV show called Caillou that my brothers used to watch. It explains how in the first seasons, the stories of Caillou would be intertwined with stories about the adventures of Caillou’s his teddy bear, plastic dinosaur, and pet cat. During the third season, the creators decided to ditch the adventures of the bear, dinosaur, and cat because they felt it interrupted the flow of Caillou’s development as a child. The announcer says “Now for a limited time, you can buy all 10 seasons of Caillou for only $19.95, and we’ll throw in the Muppet Christmas Carol collection for free!” All of a sudden, I’m in one of the older episodes of Caillou in a story about the teddy bear (his name was Teddy) Teddy decides to take home a bunch of frogs eggs from a pond and let them hatch and grow up in Caillou’s room. There’s over 1000 little frogs! The baby frogs think Teddy’s their father. Now, one of the frogs is really nice and loves humans but the rest of these frogs are really evil. They want to kill humans because humans are destroying their habitats and crushing other frog eggs. When Teddy tries to take all of the frogs back to the pond where he found them, the evil ones realize that they’re losing their only chance kill Caillou’s family so they refuse to leave. Teddy takes them back home because he loves them. The nice frog sees what the evil frogs are trying to do so he comes to me and warns me. I go to the Schaumburg Airport and form a task force to get rid of the evil frogs. With my task force and the nice frog, I storm into Caillou’s house and go straight to his bedroom. Teddy’s lying comatose on the bed and all the evil frogs are on the pillow whispering lies in his ear. There’s a bunch of crushed tomatoes on the floor and the evil frogs are telling Teddy that the tomatoes are frog’s eggs that Caillou and his parents stomped on. They’re trying to convince Teddy to smother Caillou in his sleep. The nice frog stands up tall and shouts “Teddy! These are all lies! They just want to kill humans! “ The evil frogs are arrested, Teddy doesn't smother Caillou, the nice frog goes back to the pond, and the day is saved. The last scene in the dream shows a papa frog, mama frog, and their daughter and their son. The nice frog, who is now wearing a White Sox baseball cap, is dating their daughter, and comes over for dinner one night. At dinner, the papa frog says “You know, I hate those humans. I wish I could kill them all.” After dinner, the nice frog and his girlfriend are walking in the park holding hands and he says to her “I hope the fact that I love humans won’t be an issue with your father.” His girlfriend laughs and they walk into the sunset and live happily ever after. End of dream three.

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