Friday, August 13, 2010

Things I Should Have Said A Long Time Ago

Dear Friend Who Doesn't Talk to Me as Much as He/She Used to,
Hi! How are you tonight? I'm doing ok myself. It's been a long time since we've had a meaningful conversation and there's some things I just want to tell you and questions I'd like to ask. First, I miss you. I miss hanging out and talking with you. I miss just being with you because you are a really fun person to be around. Why did you change how you acted towards me? We used to text every night and talk all the time, and then you just stopped. It kinda hurts because I don't understand why, and I'm wondering, did I do something wrong?  Did I do anything that scared you away or made you angry or creeped you out or bored you to death? if I did, I'm sorry. I know I'm not the easiest person to talk to at times or the most fun and amazing person in the world. In fact, I'm sometimes extremely awkward or even mean so I'm sorry if I offended you in any way. I know it's summer and we're both busy. I know I haven't had many or even any classes with you at school in the past few years. I know it's hard to be friends with someone who you don't see naturally everyday. That doesn't mean I want to let the friendship die. I should probably make more of an effort to see you but the fact that you aren't making an effort either makes me ask: Are you really my friend and if not, how do you really feel about me? You used to ask me lots of questions about me , how I was or how my day was going. I would then respond and ask about you and the conversation would go on and on for hours. Lately, I have to keep asking questions about you and how you're doing to have a conversation with you, and even when I do that, the conversation is so one-sided because I'm asking you all these questions about you and you're not asking any about me.  It's kinda awkward and tiring, and I feel like I'm being nosy, but I want to talk to you so I do it anyway. Do you not want to talk to me, or do you just not care about me and would rather talk about you? One of the things I loved about our friendship is that I thought you actually cared about me and how I felt and how your actions affected me, that you wanted to hang out with me and spend time with me because you liked me for who I was. That's how I feel about my friends so I guess I expected the same from you. Maybe that was an unrealistic expectation because friendship means something different to you? I don't know. Anyway, I still care about you, and I still want to be your friend. I don't, however, want to waste my time caring about a friend who doesn't want to be my friend. So, just let me know what's going on, please. I'd really like to know. You are a fantastic person and I'm really glad I got to be your friend even if it was only for a little while.
~Liz :)

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