Saturday, November 27, 2010

My Thoughts On Some Issues

I think a lot, and sometimes, I just need to get these thoughts out on paper, or on a screen in this case. Otherwise, I'll go crazy. So, here's some things I've been thinking about recently. Don't read too much meaning into them, please. These are purely random thoughts that have little or no connection to anything going on in my life right now.
1. The age old question-Would you date someone you've been friends with first or not?
I saw this one on Facebook a couple days ago. My answer: Yes. For me, I would much rather date someone I've been friends with before, because I would only feel comfortable dating someone I trust and it takes time for me to trust a person. It takes some of the history that comes with friendship, not deep friendship necessarily, just regular "we hang out and talk sometimes" friendship. The man I marry will be my best friend for life, so if I'm not good friends with a guy before we date, it makes me question why I'm even dating him since dating is essentially the first step towards marriage, as crazy as that sounds. Now, do I believe that that there's some people who should not date their friends? YES! My group of friends is very dramatic and there's been some issues with inter-dating that have caused huge divides in the group for months at a time. Not good. So, would I date a friend? Yes. Should everyone date their friends? No.
2. The political sphere right now is ridiculous. Politicians for both parties are arguing with each other with the same amount of dignity as a bunch of preschool girls fighting over a pretty doll. They can't say anything without blaming another group for their problems and some of their policies are so radical that no one in their right mind will accept them. Seriously, people, grow up and find a middle ground. I know this might be hard for some of you to grasp, but people will vote for you if you get things done instead of bickering. If you want power and you want to stay in office, start doing something right.
3. The computer might become the incarnation of evil. It might replace books forever, it might cause everyone to become obese, and it might take over the world. But most likely not. I have a hard time buying into the idea that computers and the Internet are all terrible things that suck people's brains out of their skulls and cause them to become illiterate, fat, and stupid. I am example a.
4.That being said, people need to read books. I believe the only reason I am "smart" by some standards is because I began reading at the age of 4 and continue reading a lot. Reading stimulates the mind, specifically the imagination, and when the imagination gets going, good things happen. Everyone reading this right now, go grab a book. That's what I'm going to do right now.

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