Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Nothing organized, just me thinking on Facebook. I really like the song Dog Days Are Over by Florence and the Machine. I wasn't a fan of Florence and the Machine before I heard the song, and I'm not really that much of a fan now, but I like the song. That's the way I am with music, or at least, music that isn't a score to a movie. When it comes to movie score composers, I have clear favorites-Alexandre Desplat, John Williams, Hans Zimmer etc. I wish movie score composers would tour with their music like bands. But anyway, I rarely like the artists themselves when it comes to music. I don't own many full albums because I like very few bands completely. I might like 3 or 4 of their songs, but only those 3 or 4. Not whole albums. There are a few exceptions, but only a few. I think it's because I know what's good music in my mind, and if it's not good, I won't like it all and I won't want to buy it. Regardless of how much I like the band.
       That said, I love discovering new music. If you ever want to go indie music hunting, has a GREAT thing called "Free Songs and Special Deals" on their MP3 Downloads page. You usually have to dig throuhg a bunch of junk to find good stuff, but when you find something good, it's usually really good.  I've found some awesome music that way. And just because it's  "indie music" does not mean it's not worth listening to. Yesterday I discovered a band called Badly Drawn Boy from a free download, and I ended up going to iTunes and buying 3 more of their songs. So awesome :) I love when that happens. They also have free classical music sometimes, free jazz, etc. I never know what I'm going to find. so check that out.
      I'm discovering something about myself. If you ever want to really, truly know what I think about an issue or something that I won't discuss openly, talk to me right before I'm about to go to bed.  Right before I go to bed, my brain is going a mile a minute thinking about everything in my life. Seriously, I go over EVERYTHING you can possibly imagine in my head before I go to bed, from if I liked the food I ate today to major stuff. So, if you were to ask me a question right then, I would probably answer honestly because it's right on my mind. And also, before I go to bed, at that point I'm too tired to keep up any facade I may attempt keep up during the day. Everything is to your advantage if you desperately want to know something then haha. This has definitely gotten me into trouble in the past, like, the VERY recent past. I've sent text messages I regret the next morning, and I've had conversations that I don't remember when I wake up. My brain's funny that way. It is so focused on just a few things during the day that once it gets to bedtime, it just lets all the thoughts rush in and I get confused and somewhat crazy. So there you go. Take advantage of those 5 minutes to three hours while I'm laying in my bed to know what I really think about you or anyone because I'm pretty much compromised during that time haha :) Gotta stop writing. Got stuff to do! Always something to do...

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