Monday, August 15, 2011

Trippy Dreams

These were my dreams the past two nights. I don't understand.


Sitting in my kitchen with my friend Matt, looking out as a storm approaches. Suddenly, there's a tornado reaching down to touch the ground. It slowly approaches. Matt has now turned into my brother AJ, and we're just sitting there watching the tornado. I decide it's time to yell for my dad and he comes running, and then tells me that it'll be fine. The tornado touches down in my backyard and leaves a 1.5 feet wide, 10 feet deep hole in the ground from my trampoline to my pine trees in the front. It somehow skips over the patio. I go outside with my dad to investigate, and it turns out we can see the pipes from the sewer through the hole. I ask my dad how we're going to fix this. He says "don't worry," and crawls under my patio (?) and starts throwing dirt from underneath into the hole. As he's doing this, my Canadian grandparents arrive to take us to the J.C. Penney store they seem to own. They ask what happened and I explain that there was a tornado 15 minutes ago that made this hole in the ground and my dad is fixing it. The sky is blue and the sun is shining, so they don't believe me at first, but I convince them. Then, My entire family crowds in my grandparents blue van with J.C. Penney written on the side, and we go to the mall. Once we get to the store, the rest of my extended family is there, including my Aunt Laurie, Aunt Laurel, cousin Katie, Allison, and my grandma from New York, Oma. Apparently, they're using the store as a storage place for all the junk from Oma's house. I look inside the clothes racks and see boxes of junk hidden inside. I start browsing the shelves and see lots of cool looking clocks. I want to buy one for my dorm. I go to the second level of the store and as I'm walking around, shots ring out.  I see three men in suits chasing another man who is tied to a chair with his hands tied behind his back. The man in the chair committed a murder, and he is not running-he's hopping really fast using the legs of his chair. He's also holding a pistol in his tied hands, and shooting backwards at the men in suits as he hops away from them. There's a hole in the floor in front of him. He drops the pistol from his hands down the hole. I'm watching the scene happen so I see the pistol fall down the hole and land on a piano bench in such a way that the barrel is pointing up. The man in the chair falls backwards through the hole to escape and lands with his head hitting the barrel of the gun. Somehow, the pistol is so sharp that it goes straight through his head and kills him. My grandparents are shocked that there's a dead man in their store. One of the store employees knew the man, and starts crying because he doesn't know that the dead guy was a murderer. My grandparents go to explain to him what happened, but another employee stops them (I think she was one of my cousins?) and says 'Sometimes you have to do things the hard way," and goes to explain.

Charlie Brown:

Hanging out with friends Shannon and Ryan, and we're doing a line dance using instructions that I found on the back of a Target shipping receipt. Shannon shows me that there's an owl hidden on the one dollar bill. Suddenly, I'm walking into a giant mall-like place, but every "store" is a theater with different shows playing and different auditions going on at the same time. I walk into one, thinking I'll be trying out for Into the Woods. I find out that it's a beauty pageant instead, but I decide to stay and watch. Then, it turns into try outs for some kind of Christmas play involving a witch and angels singing. One of the girls who played Sally from Schaumburg Onstage's Charlie Brown is there and we become friends. We proceed through auditions by singing verses of a song in Latin while a short man with a mustache is yelling at us and a tall blonde woman is directing us in lines. All the other girls there look the same. They have long brown curly hair and they are wearing homecoming dresses and vests. Then, it turns out that it was really auditions for Charlie Brown, and somehow I got the part of Lucy. I feel confused because I thought Lucy had to have red hair. It's opening night of the show, and I'm about to go onstage, yet I'm sitting in the first row of the auditorium. The auditorium is small, it feels more like a small church. There's windows and outside, planes are taking off on a giant runway. My mom is sitting in the sixth row and complaining because she doesn't like the seats. I realize that I don't have my monologue for the first act memorized and I have to be onstage in 2 minutes. I start trying to memorize it now, and see that it's really the monologue for my audition for Loyola's play in the fall. (I wake up, cuz my alarm's ringing, then fall back asleep). The theater is suddenly filled with smoke and gunfire. I'm in the rainforest now and in the story of that old Disney movie, the Swiss Family Robinson while pirates are attacking. I'm sitting on a raft in a lake with the whole family there and there's still gunfire and smoke. The dad of the Robinson family says that we need to create a diversion, so he crawls back through a really disgusting swamp to kill the pirate captain as me, Han Solo, a monkey, and the youngest boy in the family use inner tubes and bombs made of coconuts to distract the rest of the pirates. Then, I'm watching this scene unfold on a TV in Ryan's living room with Shannon and Ryan, and I'm explaining how the father of the family will soon get in a sword fight with the pirate captain using a machete, and that he'll get wounded, but it'll be ok because he kills the captain with a bunch of rolling logs.

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