Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Musings from New York

I didn't want to go to New York the day after Christmas. I was tired from all the Christmas festivties, I hadn't stayed home during break for 5 years, and I just wanted to be with my friends. But, I'm glad I went to New York for two reasons. First, family is important. Nothing should overshadow that. Second, there are some  things I wanted to think about and it's better if I think about them while I'm away with no outside factors to influence me and fewer distractions. 12 hour drives are really good thinking times :) One of the things I've been thinking about is interfering. Some people, me included, are very perceptive and can analyze their friends and interpret their motives and feelings. I'm not gonna lie, it's fun. However, it's not ok to interfere based on what I interpret. In my opinion, it's ok to see what other people feel and think. But I would never, ever bring up something I see to a friend unless he or she asked me to give my thoughts or advice. I would never, ever try to make something happen before it's supposed to happen. Sometimes, interfering like that can ruin whatever might have happened. It might have been wonderful and amazing. It might have worked out perfectly. But because someone interfered, it won't. It's awkward because now it's an issue of pressure instead of free will. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is: Keep your mouths shut and please don't tell people what they should do with their lives even if you have an idea of what they should do. I know it's tempting, especially when something seems so clear and right, but nothing is ever that simple. Things are always complicated. Also, people like to make decisions based on what they feel, not based on what others say they should do.  If you tell someone what should happen, it lessens the chance of it happening. And someone will get hurt. Like me. That's just one of the things I've been thinking about while in New York.

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